Lipid Lunacy

Diet delusions and what really causes heart disease.

Doctoring Data

About Lipid Lunacy

This is the second collection of articles from members of THINCS: The International Network of Cholesterol Sceptics. THINCS is a collection of over 100 medical and academic doctors who are united in one belief – that cholesterol does not cause heart disease. We have many (often different) views on what does cause heart disease, but the life vital substance, made by the body, called cholesterol. isn’t one of them.

In March 2019, the fifth King of Organs cardiovascular conference was hosted by Professor Alabdulgader and Professor Rosch and a number of THINCS’ members delivered presentations. This book is a collation of those presentations, covering many possible causes of heart disease from blood clots to infections and from stress to inflammation. The presentations also addressed saturated fat, the diet-heart hypothesis, cholesterol ‘wars’, statin trials and the global data on population cholesterol levels and mortality. This book will make you feel as if you were at the conference and didn’t miss a thing!



Part One – Introduction and Background

Introduction – How and Why This Book Was Assembled
Paul J. Rosch, MD

Greg Glassman, Founder CrossFit Inc.

King of Organs Presidential Address
Prof. Abdullah A. Alabdulgader (Prince Sultan Cardiac Center)

Why The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics, THINCS, Was Created
Uffe Ravnskov

Part Two – What Causes Atherosclerosis and Coronary Heart Disease

The Competing Hypothesis – Blood Clots (The Thrombogenic Hypothesis)
Malcolm Kendrick, MD

Does Inflammation Cause Coronary Atherosclerosis?
Carlos E.T.B Monteiro, Paul J. Rosch, MD

Lactic Acidosis as a Causal Factor for Arterial Calcification
Carlos E.T.B Monteiro

The Crucial Role of Stress In Coronary Heart Disease
Paul J. Rosch, MD

Infections May Cause Atherosclerosis and Coronary Heart Disease
Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD

Towards Revolutionary Understanding of Cellular Pathways in Health and Disease: Homocysteine Metabolism, Mitochondrial Dysfunction and the SAHACT Trial
Abdullah A. Alabdulgader, MD, Kilmer S. McCully, MD, Paul J. Rosch, MD

Saturated Fat and Coronary Heart Disease in Europe
Zoë Harcombe, PhD

Part Three – The Benefits of Cholesterol And The Dangers Of Statins

Why Cholesterol is our Best Friend
Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD

“Why do Statins Show no Benefits in Japan?
Tomohito Hamazaki, MD, PhD, Harumi Okuyama PhD, Paul J. Rosch, MD

Statins Can Cause Heart Failure and Increase Atherosclerosis and Coronary Artery Calcification
Harumi Okuyama PhD, Tomohito Hamazaki, MD, PhD, Paul J. Rosch, MD

Cholesterol and Deaths – The World Relationship
Zoë Harcombe, PhD

Do Statins Cause or Prevent Cancer?
Paul J. Rosch, MD

Part Four – Why the Cholesterol Hypothesis Prevails

Doctoring Data – Especially in Industry Sponsored Statin Trials
Malcolm Kendrick, MD

Why the Fallacious Cholesterol Theory Continues to Flourish
Paul J. Rosch, MD

Statins – What The “Take Them In High Doses” Study Really Showed”
Zoë Harcombe, PhD

Statins in The Over 75s ‘Save Lives’
Zoë Harcombe, PhD

An Assessment of Biased and Deceptive Research in Diet Recommendations, Cholesterol Fears and Statin Therapy for Heart Disease Prevention
David M. Diamond, PhD

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